# What is NubesGen?

# 1-minute introduction

With NubesGen, going to production on Azure is only one git push away.

NubesGen is a Web application that generates a cloud infrastructure using Terraform or Bicep: you select easy-to-understand options ("an application server", "a PostgreSQL database"), and it'll generate a state-of-the-art configuration that you can import and tweak in your project.

Using GitOps practices, NubesGen can also fully automate applying that configuration: it provides one cloud infrastructure per branch in your project, and will build and deploy your code to this infrastructure.

# 5-minutes introduction

"Infrastructure as Code" and Azure look complicated to you?

With NubesGen, we have simplified the way to production: you answer some easy-to-understand options ("an application server", "a PostgreSQL database"), so you don't need to spend hours looking at the technical documentation.

NubesGen generates a Terraform or Bicep configuration that is hand-made by Azure experts: it follows the current best practices, with a specific focus on security and scalability.

For advanced users, this "Infrastructure as Code" configuration can be modified and tweaked as usual: NubesGen is only here to get you started quickly!

Using GitOps practices, NubesGen can also fully automate applying that configuration: it provides one cloud infrastructure per branch in your project, and will build and deploy your code to this infrastructure.

NubesGen relies on commonly-used technologies like Terraform, Bicep and GitHub Actions, so you still have access to the full power of Azure. If you need to update or tweak any configuration that isn't supported by NubesGen, you can still modify those files manually as you would have done without NubesGen.