# What is being generated by NubesGen?

NubesGen generates a set of Terraform or Biceps configurations. If you selected the GitOps option, it will also generate a GitHub Action.

# Sample projects

Sometimes the best way to learn is to read directly the source code!

We maintain a complete set of sample projects that are used in our tests - so if the tests are green, you are guaranteed to have this output.

# Infrastructure as Code configuration files

NubesGen generates a .tgz or a .zipfile.

Unzipping that file provides a similar structure:

- terraform
  |- modules
    |- app-service
      |- main.tf
      |- outputs.tf
      |- README.md
      |- variables.tf
    |- mysql
      |- main.tf
      |- outputs.tf
      |- README.md
      |- variables.tf
  |- main.tf
  |- outputs.tf
  |- README.md
  |- variables.tf

In this example, we have a Terraform configuration that uses two modules (App Service and MySQL), that are ready for deployment.

To deploy your infrastructure, all you need to do is initialize Terraform and apply its configuration:

terraform init && terraform apply -auto-approve

# GitHub Action

If you selected the GitOps option, NubesGen will generate a GitHub Action for you, which will manage the Terraform configuration automatically.

That GitHub Action is located in a hidden GitHub directory, so the file structure will look similar to this:

– .github
  |- workflows
    |- gitops.yml
- terraform
  |- modules
    |- app-service
      |- main.tf
      |- outputs.tf
      |- README.md
      |- variables.tf
    |- mysql
      |- main.tf
      |- outputs.tf
      |- README.md
      |- variables.tf
  |- main.tf
  |- outputs.tf
  |- README.md
  |- variables.tf